The potter’s gate stood here as part of the city fortifications until it was demolished in the 18th century.
It led in the north from the old town in the direction of the Drömling and the villages of the so-called Ländchen.
In addition to the then incorporated village of Kaltendorf, these include the villages of Breitenrode, Wassensdorf, Buchhorst, Weddendorf, Niendorf and Bergfriede.
Immediately behind the potter’s gate, the „old town“ that was formerly known begins.
That was the actual old town, because this street already existed before the current old town was laid out as planned.
It is also an important indicator of how old Oebisfelde actually is.
It is assumed that at the end of this approx. 100 m long road from the Saxon settlement period, which lies between 600 and 800 AD, the origin of Oebisfelde must be sought.
There was a good, the owners of which were certainly the namesake of Oebisfelde.
They later expanded the castle in its current form in the 12th century and laid out the city according to plan.
The gate was two-story and provided with a turret and bay window.
The passage was below.
Upstairs was the arched door where the city guard lived.
Outside there was a drawbridge over the defensive trenches.
The gate was opened when the shepherds drove the cattle.
In summer it was closed at 10 p.m. and in winter at 9 p.m.
Those who came later were only allowed in if the mayor expressly agreed.