Here at this point was the Braunschweiger Tor as part of the city fortifications.
It was an important part of the medieval city’s defenses.
It was also the access of the castle residents when they wanted to go into the city.
Because there was no direct access from the castle to the city.
These were only created later, after the city fortifications were no longer of great importance.
The exit of the castle was about 50 m to the left, along the still existing moat and is now walled up.
As the name suggests, the paths in the direction of Braunschweig started here.
Also to Gut Büstedt, which used to belong to the castle. With mill, a market that partly competes with the city.
There was also the Galgenberg as a place of justice.
To make this clearer, the Heimatverein attached a gate wing to the right of the city wall and shows what it might have looked like back then.
The gate was formerly two-story.
It was closed at night and guarded by city guards at all times.
A picture from 1665 shows the form of the city fortifications.
Since 1748 building sites have also been approved along the road.
At that time expelled Protestants and religious refugees from Austria and the Salzburg region came to Oebisfelde.
There were no building sites for them within the narrow walled city limits, and building work began on the new town that would then be built.
It is interesting that you can read the names of the builders on the thresholds of the trusses.
The same names are still on the mailboxes today as in the inscriptions. This shows that the houses are still in the family of the former builder.